divendres, 5 de març del 2010


It's New Year, and year-end party has started in North Atlantic sea, the luxury liner Poseidon. One of the finest vessels of its kind, Poseidon stands tallest at 20 stories, boasts 800 staterooms and 13 passenger decks.

Tonight, many of the guests have gathered to celebrate the New Year in the main ballroom. They raise champagne glasses as well as Captain Michael Bradford toasts the New Year.
Suddenly the First Officer senses see a huge wave, a monstrous wall of water over 30 feet high, bearing down on them with tremendous speed. The officer will try to divert the ship and avoid the greatest impact but it's too late

The wave strikes with colossal force and so she turns around completely. Hundreds of passengers rushing in freefall to be trapped under the debris and water. The survivors are grouped into the ballroom, the boat is sinking and you are destined to fight every minute. They must leave before the sea will steal the last hope to live.

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