dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2009

Hello my name is Rafa Girón . I live in Castelló D’Empuries and I have 16 years old. Today I will talk to you about Swine Flu.

Swine flu is a type of virus; this is common in pigs and originated in Mexico. Mexico was the first country infected. Now travel is so easy that thousands of people are in danger of contamination. The media say that if Swine Flu continues to expansion this can affect two thousand millions of people.

Here you can see that many countries are infected. And that you can see the graph that shows numbers of infected and died.

The symptoms of swine flu are the same as normal flu. There are high temperatures, sickness, cough, headaches and throat infections.

The doctors suggest that for the prevention of swine flu we can washing hands, wearing gloves and masks and vaccinations. But is all this necessary. I think that swine flu is not more dangerous than normal flu, because every year more people die from normal flu than swine flu.


Do you have any questions?



I think that my oral presentation note is 6.

I think that the positives of my presentation are; when I spoke, my pronunciation was good and I did not speak to fast. I didn’t read all the time and I didn’t look all the time at the teacher or screen. I used a power point; this had a good structure because it had an introduction, theme information and a conclusion. I think the theme was interesting because it is theme interesting to people now, it affects everyone.

I think the negatives of my presentation are; I need to give more information and make the presentation longer. I could have used a different variety of words to improve the structure. I did not use: firstly, secondly etc. I need to practice the presentation more.

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