dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2009


Sorry darling, I can't do the vacuuming. It might damage my sperm count: The best excuse yet for men not to do the housework.

Dangerous work: Housework could reduce a man's fertility
It's the perfect excuse for men to escape doing housework!
A study has found that housework – including using a vacuum cleaner or microwave oven – could reduce a man’s possibilities of having children.
Researchers exposed male volunteers to electromagnetic fields – high doses of which are It is possible that the electricity produced by all electrical objects, including refrigerators and vacuum cleaners, could double the risk of having poor-quality sperm.
The study took 148 donors at a sperm bank in Shanghai. Tests showed that 76 had poor sperm and these donors worked with high temperatures and electricity, while 72 had
good-quality sperm. These 72 did not work with electricity, high temperatures or chemicals.

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